Thursday, January 26, 2012

Toggle Debugging on/off for a Custom Code Web Part in SharePoint

When I render my custom coded SharePoint Web Part, it helps to display extra information to assist me in troubleshooting. I can do this by constructing my web part like this...

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
public class MyCustomWebPart : WebPart
  protected override void CreateChildControls()
    string paramOne = "One";
    this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("paramOne=" + paramOne + <br/>));

So that my custom Web Part displays "paramOne=One"  Useful for debugging when I want know the value of internal parameters in code.

However, I don't want my user's to see my debugging information. I only want to turn it on in my local browser instance. I do this by adding to the Query String "?debug=true"  So on the end of my URL I append the Query String and update my Controls.Add statement with the following code.

bool.TryParse(Page.Request.QueryString["debug"], out debugOn);
if (debugOn) this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("paramOne=" + paramOne));

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SharePoint Set the Value of a Yes/No Field in Code


// Where "item" is of type SPItem
// how to read
bool result = Convert.ToBoolean(item["YesNoField"]);

// how to write
item["YesNoField"] = true;

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Available Headers in the SPEmailMessage Object

It couldn't find a complete list of email headers for Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPEmailHeader, so I've compiled one here;

Here's a sample usage that will return the raw email address of the sender...
// emailMessage is of the type SPEmailMessage
string EmailAddress = emailMessage.Headers["Return-Path"].ToString();
// will return ""

string EmailAddress = emailMessage.Headers["From"].ToString();
// will return "Sender Contact Name <>"

Ordinal Name Example
1 x-reciever ""
2 Received "from IncomingMailServer([IP])..."
3 Received "from IncomingMailServer([IP])..."
4 From "Sender Contact Name <>"
5 To "Recipient Contact Name <>"
6 Subject "Subject Text"
7 Thread-Topic "Topic Text"
8 Thread-Index guid
9 Date ddd, dd mmm yyyyy hh:mm:ss +0000
10 Message-ID "UniqueId@IncomingMailServer"
11 Accept-Language "en-US"
12 Content-Language "en-US"
13 X-MS-Has-Attach "yes" or ""
14 X-MS-TNEF-Correlator ""
15 x-originating-ip "[IP]"
16 Content-Type ??
17 MIME-Version "1.0"
18 Return-Path "

Here's a handy way to parse out the date...
DateTime sent = DateTime.Parse(emailMessage.Headers["Date"]);