Monday, April 7, 2014

How to relocate the page-advance-control displayed at the botton of the list view

In your SharePoint list view you want to accomplish this...

It's simple to do - modify your custom-master-page (BTW the best practice is to NOT edit "default.master" but always use your own custom-master-page - Google how to create a custom master if you are not familiar with this)

If you are working in Visual Studio (creating a site for deployment) locate and open your custom-master-page in the "Modules" folder in Solution Explorer...

Or if using SharePoint Designer, open your site and locate your custom-master-page in the "Master Page" folder...

Once your custom master page is open locate </head> (the closing head tag) and just above it paste the following code...

     <style type="text/css">
          #bottomPagingCellWPQ2 {text-align: left;}

Once added the code (in the larger context of the code block) should look something like this...

Save and deploy (from visual studio) Or Save and Check-in (SharePoint Designer). Refresh your site and now the page-advance-control is located to left in the list view.

If you need to document what you've just accomplished: "Updated the master page to include an inline style that overrides the "text-align" attribute from "center" to "left" on the "bottomPagingCellWPQ2" (id) table-data-cell  (which is where the list-view page advance control is located)."

Users you are developing for, who have list views with many columns, will thoroughly appreciate this enhancement.  Moving the page-advance-control to a handy spot will keep them from continually scrolling to the middle of each new page.